Client: Apple Today, Mar 2021

Client: The Wall Street Journal

Client: HP's Innovation Magazine

For a book review of 'Crossroads' (written by Jonathan Franzen). A story of a Midwestern family at a pivotal moment of moral crisis.
Client: The Boston Globe | AD: George Patisteas

Client: BizEd Magazine

Client: Apple

Client: Apple

Client: Scientific American

Client: The Washington Post

Client: The New York Times
Martin Scorsese: I Said Marvel Movies Aren’t Cinema. Let Me Explain.
Cinema is an art form that brings you the unexpected. In superhero movies, nothing is at risk, a director says.

Client: Variety

Client: Adobe Create

"Oblivion Is A Crease Left By Memory" written by Chen Qiufan
Client: Xprize, ANA JAPAN

Client: The New Yorker

Client: Nature Neuroscience

Client: Fraud Magazine

Client: Fraud Magazine

Client: Fraud Magazine

Client: OMNIA Magazine

Client: O the Oprah Magazine

Client: PLANADVISER cover
AD: SooJin Buzelli

"Assessing Student Loan Issues"
AD: SooJin Buzelli

Client: Hopes&Fear

AD: SooJin Buzelli

Client: The New Yorker

Client: Adobe Create

Client: Northwestern Magazine, June 2021
Client: New Scientist, April 2021
Client: Apple Today, Mar 2021
Client: The Wall Street Journal
Client: HP's Innovation Magazine
For a book review of 'Crossroads' (written by Jonathan Franzen). A story of a Midwestern family at a pivotal moment of moral crisis.
Client: The Boston Globe | AD: George Patisteas
Client: New Scientist
Client: New Scientist
Client: The Boston Globe
Client: BizEd Magazine
Client: The Boston Globe
Client: The Boston Globe
Client: The Boston Globe
Client: Apple
Client: Apple
Client: Scientific American
Client: The Washington Post
Radiolab Presents: Gonads | WNYC Studios
Client: New York Public Radio
Radiolab Presents: Gonads | WNYC Studios
Client: New York Public Radio
Client: Stanford Magazine
Client: The New York Times
Martin Scorsese: I Said Marvel Movies Aren’t Cinema. Let Me Explain.
Cinema is an art form that brings you the unexpected. In superhero movies, nothing is at risk, a director says.
Client: Variety
Client: Adobe Create
"Oblivion Is A Crease Left By Memory" written by Chen Qiufan
Client: Xprize, ANA JAPAN
Client: The New Yorker
Client: Nature Neuroscience
Client: Fraud Magazine
Client: Fraud Magazine
Client: Fraud Magazine
Client: OMNIA Magazine
Client: O the Oprah Magazine
Client: PLANADVISER cover
AD: SooJin Buzelli
"Assessing Student Loan Issues"
AD: SooJin Buzelli
Client: Hopes&Fear
AD: SooJin Buzelli
Client: The New Yorker
Client: Adobe Create